If you’ve never accepted Jesus as your Savior, what better time than now? The offer to become a Child of God has already been made, so all you have to do is accept that offer, and that’s an easy enough thing to do. To determine if you understand if you’re ready to accept this gift, answer these questions to yourself:

  1. Do you know and believe that Jesus is God’s Son?

  2. Do you believe that Jesus was born, crucified, and raised from the dead for your sins?

  3. Are you willing to admit to God you realize you were born a sinner and have sinned, but want to be forgiven, and want to begin a relationship with Him?

If your answer to these questions is yes, then all you have to do is ask God to forgive you for your sins and He will. If you’re not sure what to pray, here is an example of how simple it can be: “God, I know I’m a sinner. I know I’ve done things that are wrong in your eyes and according to the Bible, and I am sorry. I know Jesus died for me and that he was raised from the dead so I could have the chance of eternal life. Forgive me for my sins and come into my Heart. Help me to live a better life for You. Amen.”

Once you’ve prayed to God, the first step in your new journey as a Christian is to find a local church where you can follow Scripture’s instructions to be baptized. As a new Christian, you aren’t expected to be perfect, never sin, and immediately have it “together” after seeking salvation.

By “repenting” of our sins to God we aren’t just saying “I’m sorry” before turning around and doing the exact same things again without a second thought. Instead, being repentant is seeking forgiveness and then making the effort to remove ourselves from those sinful habits and lifestyles we previously engaged in. The best part about this is we don’t have to try and do it alone. God has provided the Holy Spirit for everyone who has accepted his gift of salvation as a guide to navigate life. The Holy Spirit helps us understand the Bible and lets us know what’s right or wrong.

If you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, let me be the first to welcome you to the family!

If you have questions about salvation or have just asked Jesus to forgive you and be your personal Lord and Savior don't hesitate to reach out and using the contact us button below. I'd love to celebrate with you, answer any questions I can, or get you in touch with someone who can help you out.

How to be Saved